Your primer on the Autotask integration and how it works with the Alternative Payments platform.
You can connect your Autotask PSA to your Alternative Payments partner dashboard to sync invoices to our platform and auto-reconcile invoice payments back to Autotask directly.
Overview of synced items
The following items are synced from Autotask when the integration is connected:
Real Time
Archiving invoices
Archiving customers
Delete Payments
Real Time
PDF Invoices
*Hourly: New invoices | Daily: Invoice updates
Autotask sync details
Invoice Status Update
Invoice payment status updated in Autotask will sync to Alternative Payments and vice versa
Changes to Unpaid Invoices
Changes to unpaid invoices (amount and due date) in Autotask will sync to Alternative Payments; changes to unpaid invoices in Alternative Payments will not sync back to AutoTask
Partial Invoice Payments
Partial invoice payments/credits applied in Autotask will reflect in the outstanding balance in Alternative Payments
Customer Created in Alternative
Customers created in Alternative do not sync to Autotask
Invoices Created in Alternative
Invoices created in Alternative do not sync to Autotask.
Deleted Invoices and Customers
Invoices and customers deleted in Autotask are not archived in the Alternative portal. Partners must delete in Autotask then archive manually in Alternative
How to connect Autotask to your Alternative partner dashboard
Connect Autotask to make reconciliation easy by following these steps:
Navigate to Integrations and then click Connect Within your Partner Dashboard, select ‘Integrations’ and then select ‘Connect’ under the Autotask module.
Log into your Autotask account Once logged in, in the Admin tab go to Account Settings & Users
Expand the Resources/Users (HR) Click on Resources/Users (HR) to expand content. Now click on the Resources/Users link.
Add a new API User Click on the New button and select New API User.
Enter API User details In the Security Level dropdown, select API User (system) Can't Read Costs.
Click Generate Key to create a Username. You will need this value for the Autotask form located within the partner dashboard.
Click Generate Secret to create a Password. You will need this value to submit in the form within the Autotask section of the partner dashboard.
Finally select Alternative Finance Corp for the Integration Vendor dropdown.
Fill out the Alternative Payments form Once generated, return to the Alternative Payments dashboard and enter in the following information:
Email address associated with your Autotask account
Username (Key)
Password (Secret)
Invoice Number or Autotask ID
Enter filters (optional) Apply any applicable filters and proceed to finish the connection. If no filters are selected, then all data will be synced in.
For partners using Autotask as their primary integration, the functionality to initiate manual syncs is available. Navigate to Integrations then select Preferences.
Fetch New Data:This option allows for the sync of all invoices and customers created or updated within the last hour.
Fetch Unpaid Invoices: Partners can now initiate a manual sync for all unpaid invoices. This would also allow for any updates made to unpaid invoices in Autotask sync back instantly as normally these types of changes sync back on a daily basis. Partners now have the functionality to sync these instantly. If for some reason an open invoice in Alternative Payments does not match with the integration data (amount, outstanding amount, due date, etc) this invoice will be updated in Alternative Payments via this sync.
The Fetch New Data can be initiated once per hour.
The Fetch Unpaid Invoices can be executed once every 12 hours.
You’re all set! 🎉
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