How to Navigate Insights
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Discover how Insights can help you reduce collection times, increase payment automation and identify at-risk customers. Learn how to leverage each dashboard to make data-driven decisions and improve your cash flow management.
The new Insights feature in Alternative Payments brings you advanced financial tracking directly into your partner dashboard, providing a streamlined view of essential metrics that go beyond standard statements. With Insights, you’ll have access to:
Exclusive Metrics: Track key data points like time-to-pay and activation rates for a clearer picture of financial performance and customer health.
Time-Saving Visualizations: Instantly view your financial data without the need for manual exports or spreadsheet work. Insights presents your financial health in easy-to-read visual formats.
Platform Accountability: Gain visibility into how effectively the platform supports your financial processes, helping you monitor results with confidence.
Beyond Basic Statements: Move beyond monthly statements with detailed views of DSO/time-to-pay, AR aging, cash flow, and other critical accounting metrics.
Customer-Level Insights: Analyze individual customer performance to identify your top payers, largest accounts, and highest adopters of automation.
Here’s a breakdown of what each dashboard allows you to do:
The Overview tab provides a snapshot of your most important account receivable metrics, including payment trends, collection times, automations and overdue invoices. It’s your one-stop shop for managing your accounts receivable at a glance.
You can also review your data within a specific time-frame by selecting the View and choosing the following options + download a report (this is applicable to all the dashboards):
Last 12 months
Last 6 months
Last 3 months
All time
Custom range
The Invoices tab allows you to dive deeper into your invoice metrics, helping you assess the aging of your receivables. Quickly identify which invoices are overdue and decide if they should be escalated to collections. This tab helps ensure your receivables are monitored closely for maximum AR health.
Leverage advanced payment analytics see the impact of payment times on cash flow. Here, you’ll find detailed data on your payment processing metrics, collection trends and daily cash flow.
In the Automations tab, you can easily check how well you’re using automation tools to streamline your accounts receivables. Looking to increase the percentage of automatic payments? Use this dashboard to establish goals with a set time-frame and see how you are easily progressing towards those goals here. If you need tips on how to increase automatic payments, reach out to your dedicated Customer Success Manager.
Your Customers tab will allow you to review all the key analytics from the other dashboards for each individual customer. You will be able to easily dive into payment trends to identify your best customers, helping you make informed decisions for better customer management.
To review an individual customer’s performance, enter their name in the search bar:
Or, you can also access within the All Customers section of your dashboard by clicking on the applicable customer’s name and navigating to their Insights tab:
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